There are many national and also regional extra virgin olive oil competitions in all of the major extra virgin olive oil producing countries. Since those have a local focus and due to the fact that not in every major olive oil producing country conducts a national extra virgin olive oil competition, we are currently not considering these results into our ranking because we wanted to keep it international and with equal opportunities.
Therefore only the strictest competitions following our minimum criteria - based on the rules of the MARIO SOLINAS QUALITY AWARD - with a broad international participant base and without proper commercial interest are being considered for our ranking. Also we only consider competitions which conduct their assessments / evaluations with a panel of trained international tasting experts and therefore we do not consider those competitions where the panels include professionals form other areas or untrained amateurs in olive oil tasting.
For more details on the rules for establishing our rankings, please refer to the document that we provide under the following link:
Rules and Guidelines of WBOO Ranking
For the 2023/2024 harvest season we focus only on the strictest extra virgin olive oil competitions that value the authenticity of received samples which you find below with a short desciption. You can download the individual results of each competition - as soon as they have been published - by simply clicking on the competition logo. In the section under the competition logos you will find the details on how we calculated the final results of our ranking, explaining for each competition how results have been valued.

Evooleum EVOO Awards
Evooleum EVOO Awards organized by MERCACEI and AEMO is being held in Cordoba (Spain) in March with an international expert jury.

The Expoliva competition is being held bi-annually in February in the context of the equally named market leading fair in the city of Jaen (Spain) with an international expert jury and a complex evaluation scheme.

Mario Solinas Award - COI/IOC
The "Mario Solinas Award" is being granted by the International Olive Council (IOC/COI) based in Madrid (Spain) and is certainly one of the strictest competitions.

The Ovibeja competition takes place in Beja (Portugal) in April with an international expert jury, based upon the Rules of Mario Solinas Competition.

The ArgOliva competition is being held in September in the city of San Juan (Argentina) with an international expert jury and a complex evaluation scheme.

Leone D'Oro
Leone d'Oro is the oldest international competition of Italy, since 2017 organized by O'Live & Italy and back in the ranking. The final is held in April with a jury of experts that come only from certified panels.

SIAL Olive D'Or
The Olive D'or competition usually takes place in Montreal (Canada) during the SIAL Fair in May. Not so in 2025.

Sol D'Oro
The Sol D'Oro competition takes place in March in Verona (Italy) with an international expert jury.
With all the right in the world our readers, the producers and of course also the competitions itself whose results build our ranking, ask themselves how we compute the results. Generally said, the proceedings are quite easy and follow a simple scheme:
The results of each and every competition enter in our ranking following the same points scheme. Our points scheme firstly provides 50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15 points according to the rank of an olive oil in each competition and gives extra points for complying with the two most important criteria due to the strictness of each and every competition. This leads to a maximum of an additional 50 (25+25) points for a single competition, making 100 the maximum of points to gained from one competition. In competitions where the organizers provide result lists for conventional and organic olive oils, points are being awarded to the winning conventional and organic olive oils. Results of the individual olive oils from the purely organic competitions are only considered for the ranking of the world's best organic olive oils.
Please find in the below table how each and every competition is being considered in our 2024/2025 ranking:

For all the details on the current rules for establishing our ranking, please refer to the document that we provide under the following link:
Rules and Guidelines of WBOO Rankings
The results of each and every competition enter in our ranking following the same points scheme. Our points scheme firstly provides 20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13 points according to the rank of an olive oil in each competition and gives extra points for complying with the two most important criteria due to the strictness of each and every competition. This leads to a maximum of 20 (10+10) additional points for a single competition, making (40) the maximum of points to gained from one competition. In competitions where the organizers provide result lists for conventional and organic olive oils, points are being awarded to the winning conventional and organic olive oils. Results of the individual olive oils from the purely organic competitions are only considered for the ranking of the world's best organic olive oils.
Please find in the below table how each and every competition is being considered in our 2021/2022 ranking: